Monday, July 25, 2016

Hard times...why doesn't anyone talk about it?

I'm just going to come out and be real, I am currently experiencing one of the hardest times in my life. Most of us do NOT TALK ABOUT THIS and post away on social media like everything in our lives are perfect, and we are happy as can be with the way things are going.

I am one of them. I too fall into the trap of posting the BEST pictures with the best angles, and the most FUN parts of my day. Partly, believe that there has to be positivity and HOPE in the world, and on social media.

But I also try my hardest to be authentic, as I have a lot people that follow my journey. Social media is a weird place because no one wants their drama being exposed to everyone, but at the same time, to go on as if everything is just perfect is inauthentic, leading you to feel worse off than before.

So here it is: This past year (and maybe even over a year) I have been STUCK. I was not feeling like myself, I was passing through the days sort of going through the motions and half-assing projects, not eating the way I knew I should be eating, and struggling to get up on some days. I have had health struggles, financial struggles (with student loan debt that would make you CRY), relationship struggles as well as anxiety and depression. THAT is real. I am NOT perfect. I do NOT have the perfect life. I (like so many of you), am going through times that frankly are HARD and I lay awake at night wondering how I got here as I sweat and toss and turn.

Life is not about perfection. It is about the journey to discovering YOURSELF, as completely and as authentically as possible. So I may be dealing with a boat load of CRAP right now, but one thing I know about myself? I want to HELP people, and THAT is why I am sharing this, in hopes that it will strike a cord with someone else that needs to hear it. I have found strength in helping others, and that in turn, demands that I work on myself.

I have found tools of my own that have helped me cope, lift myself up, and FREE myself from these feelings that I want to share with you. Even though I am still in the middle of my own struggle on a daily basis, my commitment is to reach out and find others that are suffering and need to be uplifted, as so many have already done for me.
So what are you going through? You or a family member are sick, relationships are suffering, maybe you're hurting, you are in financial crisis, or you lost your job or loved one. Your days are dark and heavy and you are feeling hopeless and unmotivated.

So what will you do in reaction of those hard times? Here are my 7 tips to overcoming trials (ps I am starting a free group on facebook that will dig further into these elements for anyone that wants to join, message me)

1. Set a time limit
You need to deal with your situation and the emotions you are feeling that surround it. However, dwelling on it for hours, days or months on end will not do much for you. Set a designated amount of time for which to grieve, FEEL, cry, scream or deal with the fundamentals of the situation. 
I set an alarm so I know my allotted amount of time to grieve is up, and when I hear that sound it means I'm done for that session. I must go on. You must go on. Because I am worth it. Because YOU are worth it. 2. Keep perspective There have been good times before. Remember those!! Remember that you have had strength and that power and you WILL have it again. Do not forget gratitude. Every morning, force yourself to write down 3 things that you are grateful for. Even if they are small things like the fact you have a roof over your head, food on the table and the sun is shining that day. Each day observe 3 new things and make them stronger and stronger. As a recovering pessimist, I can attest to the power of positive thinking. When you spend your days thinking negatively or saying "I can't" or constantly worrying about your situation, that situation will get worse. When things used to go wrong in my life, I would make excuses as to why I could not do the things I should or had goaled myself to do. Having changed my mindset, I realized that as soon as you start training your brain to notice the beauty around you, and to be grateful, things begin to get brighter. 3. Take action You feel out of sorts and your normal task seems so daunting. Just getting out of bed at a decent hour seems like the biggest task. I GET IT. But the more you allow yourself to fall into this trap, the longer you will remain there. So take action and set 3 goals for your day. Depending on the day, maybe the goals will be to get up and shower, go to the grocery store and eat a meal. The next it may be a bit more ambitious. As each day passes you it will get easier and these action will propel you forward. I can't tell you how important it is to take action right away to keep yourself moving forward. The action will ignite you, keep you feeling accomplished and release happiness into your brain. 4. Ask yourself "What should I be learning?" You could ask yourself "why is this happening to me?" "Why does everything bad happen to me?" "Why is the world against me?" 


You can learn from it. Everything in life has a lesson that you can learn from if you actively look for it. Be open and grow from it! 5. Re-Focus 

Focus not on your fear of the unknown and what is happening NOW, but instead focus on what could go RIGHT. When we accept that we all must endure times of difficulty we realize that this is a necessary part of life. In his book "Breakout", Joel osteen talks about getting ready for a tidal wave. Whatever you believe in (God, higher power or a source energy) is moving things out of your way to make room for something even greater, something beyond what you could have even fathomed. Though it doesn't seem that way right now, if you have unshakable faith and belief, the right people, opportunities and clarities will come to you. So re-focus. Focus on what will come, what doors will be opened for you and bask in the beauty that is the future. 6. Act like you don't feel It is easy to get sucked into the feeling sorry for ourselves mode. When we do, we exude negativity everywhere. It shows up in our posture, our conversations, the way we move, our faces and then it begins to manifest and transfer into the reality of our lives. I believe that I used to manifest all the negative things that happened in my life. My endless negativity, fear, excuses and complaints resulted in exactly what I was worried about. My career didn't take off the way I had hoped, friendships and relationships suffered because I didn't add value to their lives and was constantly insecure, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, I was overweight and felt unattractive and useless. I now OWN that I manifested those things myself with negativity. NOW, with complete transformation of my thoughts, I'm becoming clear about what I want and the things I need to do to get there and my life is manifesting in a different, positive, fulfilling direction. So if you're fearful, or hurting or anxious or worried, get UP and walk out of your house with you shoulders back, your head high and a smile on your face. When you start with your exterior and walk with confidence, you begin to change your thoughts. When we change our thoughts then what we project manifests itself into our reality and becomes our truth. And that brings me to 7. Know your "Why" Be honest with yourself for a second. Have you ever really thought about what you want out of life. I mean really and truly sat and thought in detail about what your ideal day would look like. Where you would live, who you would surround yourself with, what you would do with your time, how much money you would have, what your family would look like etc.
A while ago I spent around 7-8 hours thinking, visualizing and writing down my "why", and what I wanted for my life. It is so clear that I can see, feel, smell and project myself into that life. Because I became so clear, it started happening. The clarity allowed me to make changes that needed to be made. Some were inspiring and positive and others, are hard as hell, but there was no going back or stopping me once I was that specific.

So what is YOUR "why"? I challenge you to sit and think and find your purpose. Declare it out loud with everything you have in you. Your purpose must be so exciting and so inspiring to you that NOTHING will prevent you from fulfilling that. When you visualize your goals and write them down it WILL begin to happen and when you are in times a trial, you will be able to focus on it, and never give up.
Want to work on these steps and have a group of people that you can turn to? If you are ready to start doing the work on YOU, I am ready to do it with you. Just reach out and message me to join my FREE group on facebook that will cover these steps and much more (or send me an email

Thursday, July 23, 2015

ANNOUNCING my surprise....

ok ok. It has been EXTREMELY sad and heartbreaking to lose my Theo. He was everything to me. He was the first pet I ever owned, and losing him was so much more painful than I ever imagined. That dog was there for me through so much. I have been crying, praying, having nightmares and feeling so lost and sad.

I suppose everyone deals with loss differently. My friends Jenn and Mike who I am currently traveling shared with me that when they lost their dog tragically a while back, they immediately went out and got a new pet. I admit that when they first told me this, I was a bit horrified. I in no way was of the mindset that I could get a new dog. I had a list a reasons:

-betraying Theo and not honoring him
-I travel a lot and am currently on the road and taking care of a puppy would be difficult
-I am homeless until further notice and it is not the right time to train a new dog
-I was worried about what other people would think of my moving on so soon

Laying in my lap
But then Mike told me his friend had teacup Yorkie available and asked if I wanted to go play with him. I figured, well at least it will lift my spirits and give me the puppy love I was craving. So I reluctantly went along.

On the way, we got caught in a hail storm. This was particularly funny because we were in Mike's VERY nice Corvette and we had the top down. We had to pull over under a bridge and the cars were spraying water all into the car. I was laughing so hard at Mike trying to put up the roof and complaining that his car had never touched water. Through the laughing, I realized that my happiness is so important. The laughter released endorphins and I decided to be more open to the new puppy idea. If he made me laugh it may be worth all my initial objections.

We have the same hair color

 When I met him, he was placed in my arms and immediately took the same position that Theo always laid in. My heart melted. I put him down to play with him and he began hopping around and running into walls as he chased toys...and I laughed and smiled. I didn't notice that I was until 10 minutes into it. That was it. It was all I needed to proceed.

I want to announce a new addition to the family. Though he can in no way replace Theo, he is providing me with so much love, happiness and comfort as I grieve my loss and he is a very special puppy. He plays, lays on my lap, is friendly and fun and gives kisses when I need it. Hard to believe he is only 5 months old since he is so well behaved.

All I know is, he makes me happy. Happiness is worth it. Companionship is worth it. Theo lives on in me (and MANY others) always. I look forward to sharing his journey with you.

He still needs a name! Anyone want to put some on the table?

Monday, July 20, 2015

Stage 1 of grieving Theo

Theo 2007-2015
Today I lost my puppy. The only thing I know how to do to cope is write down my thoughts and share them. So I thought I would share my journey on my blog so that I can process. Theo has been my biggest supporter and companion for the past 8 years. That little angel was by me through so much. He has traveled with me, been my companion through some of the hardest points in my life. He sat patiently with me through chemo-therapy and the many sick days in bed, lived through MANY moves across the country in several different apartments, and been a happy constant presence in my life.

Some may say that he was just a dog, but I cannot explain the unconditional love he had for me, and i for him. He was happy to see me every time i came into a room. That constant support for the past 8 years has been magical.

My heart hurts and feelings of guilt over not protecting him are plaguing me. In dealing with immense grief over this, I am trying remember his little wagging tail, his excitement every time I walked into a room, the joy he brought to myself and so many other people that he met, and what it felt like to be loved so unconditionally. 

Theo was the first dog I've ever owned, and if you know anything about me, you know I love animals. I have always watched friends who have to put down their dogs and though I truly felt for them, I could never imagine how much pain they were actually in. The decision to not proceed with his surgeries was devastating. 

So what to do? 

-Allow myself to grieve
-remember all the beauty and joy he brought to me for 8 years
-have strength that I did the right thing for him
-feel grateful and lucky to have had time in my life
-find joy in his memory
-realize that I have so MUCH love, support and friendship and be grateful for the amazing people in my life: family, friends, my Beachbody family. People all over the world that are there for me. 

No matter how devastating everything happens for a reason. I know Theo was not taken from me without a greater cause. So for now, I will sleep, wake up, shower, eat and bask in his memory and the unconditional love he provided me. My biggest takeaway being that he wasn't just my dog. He belonged to many many people and was loved my many. He lit of the faces of everyone that saw him even strangers. He will be forever loved.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Portobello Mushroom Pizza


Ingredients: (One Serving)
-1 Portobello Mushroom
-1 teaspoon Olive Oil 
-Minced Garlic to taste
-Dashes of pepper
-1/4 of your favorite cheese
-1/4 of canned chicken
- Smoke paprika (SOOO GOOD)
- Drizzle of hot sauce to taste

Foil ring
Pre-heat oven to 375. Prepare mushrooms by wiping the tops off with a damp cloth and popping out the stem (if you wish you may chop up the stems and put on top of the pizza). Drizzle Olive oil, garlic, pepper on the bottom of the mushroom . Sprinkle on cheese and chicken, paprika and any other desired ingredients. Place on a cookie sheet with a wire rack, or if you don't have a rack you can make a foil ring to place your mushroom on. This will help it cook evenly and prevent sogginess. Bake for 20-25 minutes, remove from oven and drizzle with your favorite hot sauce.

These ingredients are what I chose to use, feel free to be creative and use whatever you want. I liked using the canned chicken to save time on cooking, but you can really use whatever your heart desires!

YUMMMMY and healthy!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How do I stay strong when I feel so weak?

So you are in hard times.
You or a family member are sick, relationships are suffering, maybe you're hurting, you are in financial crisis, or you lost your job or loved one. Your days are dark and heavy and you are feeling hopeless and unmotivated. Reality is that you will come into hard times. It is natural.

So what will you do in reaction of those hard times? 

1. Set a time limit
You need to deal with your situation and the emotions you are feeling that surround it. However, dwelling on it for hours, days or months on end will not do much for you. Set a designated amount of time for which to grieve, FEEL, cry, scream or deal with the fundamentals of the situation. 
I set an alarm so I know my allotted amount of time to grieve is up, and when I hear that sound it means I'm done for that session. I must go on. You must go on. Because I am worth it. Because YOU are worth it. 2. Keep perspective There have been good times before. Remember those!! Remember that you have had strength and that power and you WILL have it again. Do not forget gratitude. Every morning, force yourself to write down 3 things that you are grateful for. Even if they are small things like the fact you have a roof over your head, food on the table and the sun is shining that day. Each day observe 3 new things and make them stronger and stronger. As a recovering pessimist, I can attest to the power of positive thinking. When you spend your days thinking negatively or saying "I can't" or constantly worrying about your situation, that situation will get worse. When things used to go wrong in my life, I would make excuses as to why I could not do the things I should or had goaled myself to do. Having changed my mindset, I realized that as soon as you start training your brain to notice the beauty around you, and to be grateful, things begin to get brighter. 3. Take action You feel out of sorts and your normal task seems so daunting. Just getting out of bed at a decent hour seems like the biggest task. I GET IT. But the more you allow yourself to fall into this trap, the longer you will remain there. So take action and set 3 goals for your day. Depending on the day, maybe the goals will be to get up and shower, go to the grocery store and eat a meal. The next it may be a bit more ambitious. As each day passes you it will get easier and these action will propel you forward. I can't tell you how important it is to take action right away to keep yourself moving forward. The action will ignite you, keep you feeling accomplished and release happiness into your brain. 4. Ask yourself "What should I be learning?" You could ask yourself "why is this happening to me?" "Why does everything bad happen to me?" "Why is the world against me?" 


You can learn from it. Everything in life has a lesson that you can learn from if you actively look for it. Be open and grow from it! 5. Re-Focus 

Focus not on your fear of the unknown and what is happening NOW, but instead focus on what could go RIGHT. When we accept that we all must endure times of difficulty we realize that this is a necessary part of life. In his book "Breakout", Joel osteen talks about getting ready for a tidal wave. Whatever you believe in (God, higher power or a source energy) is moving things out of your way to make room for something even greater, something beyond what you could have even fathomed. Though it doesn't seem that way right now, if you have unshakable faith and belief, the right people, opportunities and clarities will come to you. So re-focus. Focus on what will come, what doors will be opened for you and bask in the beauty that is the future. 6. Act like you don't feel It is easy to get sucked into the feeling sorry for ourselves mode. When we do, we exude negativity everywhere. It shows up in our posture, our conversations, the way we move, our faces and then it begins to manifest and transfer into the reality of our lives. I believe that I used to manifest all the negative things that happened in my life. My endless negativity, fear, excuses and complaints resulted in exactly what I was worried about. My career didn't take off the way I had hoped, friendships and relationships suffered because I didn't add value to their lives and was constantly insecure, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, I was overweight and felt unattractive and useless. I now OWN that I manifested those things myself with negativity. NOW, with complete transformation of my thoughts, I'm clear about what I want and the things I need to do to get there and my life is manifesting in a different, positive, fulfilling direction. So if you're fearful, or hurting or anxious or worried, get UP and walk out of your house with you shoulders back, your head high and a smile on your face. When you start with your exterior and walk with confidence, you begin to change your thoughts. When we change our thoughts then what we project manifests itself into our reality and becomes our truth. And that brings me to 7. Know your "Why" Be honest with yourself for a second. Have you ever really thought about what you want out of life. I mean really and truly sat and thought in detail about what your ideal day would look like. Where you would live, who you would surround yourself with, what you would do with your time, how much money you would have, what your family would look like etc.
Two months ago I spent around 7-8 hours thinking, visualizing and writing down my "why", and what I wanted for my life. It is so clear that I can see, feel, smell and project myself into that life. Because I became so clear, it started happening. The clarity allowed me to make changes that needed to be made. Some were inspiring and positive and others, are hard as hell, but there was no going back or stopping me once I was that specific.

So what is YOUR "why"? I challenge you to sit and think and find your purpose. Declare it out loud with everything you have in you. Your purpose must be so exciting and so inspiring to you that NOTHING will prevent you from fulfilling that. When you visualize your goals and write them down it WILL begin to happen and when you are in times a trial, you will be able to focus on it, and never give up.

***Recently I volunteered to be a guest speaker on our Fit Family Network Team Call. As I pondered about what topic to write about, I searched within myself and browsed facebook for inspiration, I realized that there was a topic heavy on my heart and that there are a lot of people that are hitting hard times that feel alone, or maybe are going through a tough transition in their lives. So as a topic of the call, I decided to be vulnerable and share my process of overcoming that tough time. You can watch the call here:  (starts at 10:49) ****

Starts at 10:49

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

My "just because" shoes

Today I went to the store and bought these shoes. 

Just because...I wanted new shoes. 

Just because...I'm celebrating my business. 

Just because...they are girly and cute and I wanted them.

9 months ago this wouldn't have been the case. Because of this little side thing I do, I can splurge once in a while. 

Just because...

‪#‎beachbodycoach‬ ‪#‎parttimework‬ ‪#‎grateful‬ ‪#‎beyourownboss‬ ‪#‎girlboss‬

Join my team! Earn additional income working part time. Want a manicure? An occasional pair of shoes? maybe save for a vacation? I can help! Email me: or find me on facebook!

Friday, May 22, 2015

How I let my thoughts ruin, and then save my life....

Gosh. How far we come in life. Truly everything happens for a reason. I remember this month of May back in 2010. I had a complete hatred for myself. Lacking in self confidence, hated my body, was sick ALL THE TIME, felt I was good at NOTHING. On top of it, I was sick. I was in and out of chemotherapy treatments for ovarian cancer, and in COMPLETE denial. I hid everything as much as I possible could, and crept into a little hole of despair. One afternoon I remember looking in the mirror at myself for the the first time in a while. I really wouldn't allow myself to look very long back then. But this moment I did. I didn't understand how my life had reached this point. I didn't understand why it was so unfair and out to get me. I had an obsession with fast food and I blamed everything on the fact that I had depression, anxiety and cancer. It become a ridiculous crutch for which I used as an excuse for everything. It was the reason for my failures and the reasons I couldn't function as a normal adult. My mind was poisoned with negativity, self loathing and I hated the world and it seemed to hate me. It was an ultimate low and I had finally hit a rock bottom enough to make a change.

Have you ever heard of the compound effect? It is the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small, smart choices. Our present reality is an outcome of the little, seemingly innocuous decisions that have added up to your current bank balance, waist line, business success, relationship status, etc."

This compound effect can change your life for the better or for the worst. The first half of my life I let the latter take over. But around this time in 2010 I began to change my thoughts. It was a SLOW SLOW SLOW process. You get to the point where you just cannot live a certain way any longer. You are forced to change or continue to disappoint yourself. It began with my physical appearance. I began to realize that I could not function at the weight I was at and I hated myself for it. But I slowly changed my thoughts to decide that I indeed was WORTH a change. That I COULD be that success story. And so I changed my thoughts.

I began to realize that WHAT I put in my body and what I did with it affected the way it functioned (DUH!). So I began to workout and slowly change my nutrition and I allowed myself to grow mentally to be disciplined enough to change.

But after all that I still disliked myself. I did not think I was enough. You see, I had always envisioned that I would do something GREAT. I was not near living up to that. I was still "a failed singer", and negativity surrounded my thoughts day after day. I remember slowly making decisions to knock it off. It took YEARS. I began to focus on that physical transformation. My cancer went in and out and ironically coming during times of deep negativity on my part. With cancer came the anxiety and depression. However, my weight was coming off, and I was for the first time, becoming consistent with diet and exercise. 

And i began to change. Slowly over YEARS I lost weight and suddenly I looked in the mirror and saw someone I could get on board with. In that SAME month I was pronounced in remission from Ovarian cancer. The SAME month that my thoughts about myself began to change. The same month that I began to see a glimpse of what I knew I could be.

It was still a long road. and it wasn't until I started coaching others on their goals that I began reading personal development. I read them every day. They have made me powerful, and I realized that I HAVE THE POWER TO CONTROL MY THOUGHTS AND MY LIFE! I get to choose happiness. I get to choose LIFE or depression and anxiety. I had made the choice to let me life become what it had become. It was all on ME.

I am posting this workout video from this morning, it is called Friday FIght from Insanity Max 30. The workout is ridiculous, one of the hardest I've ever done. I did this workout this morning with very little sleep and a million things happening in my life that could have pulled me away. But the goal of the workout is to have your MIND take control over your body. When your body wants to stop, it is up to your mind to feed it life and tell it to keep going. You can see at the end of this video that my mind was fighting it. FIGHTING my body that wanted to quit. I realized today that this workout is a lot like my life. I got to choose my fate. It is not always easy, but I have to get up and push and CHOOSE success and happiness. 


Now I am powerful. My mind is full of love, and I see people as good and full of life. I see hope, and I feel alive. I am trying things I would never try before. I have proved to myself that I am capable of anything. This credit goes to me. I am finally standing up and claiming my self worth. I am standing up and claiming that I have VALUE, and I can choose my fate. I choose to not let anxiety effect me. I choose to be the best version of myself. I can look at myself in the mirror and be accepting of ME (though we always have more things to work on). The compound effect rewarded me greatly. Those little steps over time have saved my mind and my life. 

So change your mindset. Start small and see the fruitful rewards you can reap from loving yourself.

Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of my team of Beachbody coaches that change lives including your own. We are ranked 304 out of 300,000 coaches in the company. We have passion, drive, and we are going to the top.

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